Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ironman WA 2011

First Ironman, and I was VERY nervous. Due to circumstances my taper started a week earlier than planned, but on the positive side, my mate Jase had leant me his TT bike :). Mici and I headed down to Busselton on Thursday after I woke up post night shift. Made it just in time to go through Registration. Friday evening breifing, Saturday afternoon  bike drop, Sunday morning.....race! One of the most relaxed couple of days pre-race I've ever had. LOTS of tossers tooling around on VERY flash bikes. A few too many beers on Friday night, 
all good really. At briefing they had a 28m big screen. It was a massive production.

Anyway, lets get on with it. Raceday.
05:45 start. up early set up bike with nutrition, and down to the water.

Mass swim start with 1360 or so people was surprisingly not chaotic. got a great spot and settled into a good rhythm. Hung on some feet for a while and around the jetty we went. A little choppy out the end but really not too bad. Swallowed a fair bit of water and felt a bit crappy for a while on the way back in and my new goggles were a bit tight in the end. But very happy with the result.
Swim 3.8km 01hr13min18 overall 599/1360 category35-39 114/236

Out of the water I grabbed my bag and into the tent. The volunteers helped me with some sunscreen and I was off to find the rubber chicken which was guarding my bike. Off onto the course I settled into my planned pace and was doing it easy. I soon found a few clowns overtaking and then sitting up....very frustrating! Fairly windy on the way out, but was feeling good, weird gadget moment, the speed on both my wrist unit and bike computer stopped. reset and came good but a bit weird. 3 lap course. Heyse'y went by me about halfway and was looking great. Then on the last lap I noticed that things were getting a bit uncomfortable, and then was getting the beginnings of Sartorious cramps. Couldn't lay down on the tri-bars for the last 7km or the cramps would set in. It was about now I knew things were not going to go well for the run.
Bike 3laps 180km 05hrs47min03 overall 494/1360 category35-39 108/236
Splits 60km01:47:34 120km01:54:37 180km02:04:52

Off the bike I handed it to someone who looked after it. Grabbed my bag and back into the tent. I was helped with my shoes and sunscreen. I was planning on sitting there and having a sandwich but the volunteers gave me the hurry-up so off I went vegemite sandwich in hand. Past the finishers chute for the first time and then off to the west. I managed ok on the first of 4 laps but I knew there was little chance of much running going on after that. I was starting to feel a bit light headed and my abdominal region was not in a good place at all. After the first lap I decided it was time to worry about finishing and not ending up on the ground vomiting like many others I had seen already. This is where the full on stuff begins. People running on an angle, talking to themselves etc. Lots of people in a really bad way! I knew my planned day was over so it was all about finishing and taking it all in. I powerwalked as fast as I could and was doing about 09:30min a km. People were running past me but NO-ONE walking went past me. I tried to run (shuffle) a little bit but the light headed'ness and the abdominal thing just kept coming back, so back to a walk. I decided to walk out most of the 2 middle laps and run what I could of the last one. The atmosphere was fantastic. Loads of supporters many dressed up, playing music and indiscriminately cheering people on. Some were even going to the trouble of looking up your race number and calling your name and where your from, "C'mon Pete from Cloverdale give us a shuffle"it was brilliant. Kids spraying us with hoses, and the comeraderie amoung the competitors was remarkable. People were buddying up with other competitors and encouraging each other. "Ok lets try to run another 900m" they would say to each other. I walked past last years winner Coutney Ogden. He had done a calf at the start of the run, he was being praised by all quarters for not pulling out and walking the Marathon out. He was in a good mood and chatted to all who spoke to him including myself. Mici was there, worlds best support crew. When she found me I said "I'm ok, but this is going to take me a while" she's a trooper and stuck it out, ready and spotting me each time I came around. On the third lap I was ACTUALLY running when I passed her. "Who would have thought!" The aid stations were frequent, we had a couple of showers of rain to take the bite out of the 32deg day and I took on as much food and hydration as I could hoping to eat and drink my way good. Didn't really work. Onto the last lap and I had a smile on my face, 10km to go. Around to the finish chute in the main street to collect my orange wrist band to say I'd done all the required laps, and the wave of emotion that hit me when I was ushered over to the finish chute was something I was NOT ready for. I had tears running down my cheeks as I spotted Mici there with Jill and Andrew, and they do actually say it. "You are an Ironman". Made it in daylight.
Run 4laps 42.2km 05hrs51min18 overall 723/1360 category35-39 157/236
Splits 12.6km01:21:52 23.2km01:36:04 33.3km 01:35:06 42.2km 01:18:16

So when you finish they grab you on both sides in case can't walk. They escort you down the street to the medical tent then the finishers area. There's massage, food and stuff. The massage was a new experience for me, it was a great opportunity to just lie down and have a rest really. Then a great reunion with Mici, Jill and Andrew.
3.8km Swim, 180km Bike, 42.2km Run 13hrs01min42 overall 723/1360 category35-39 157/236

After back to the unit for 3 beers a shower and sleep. Woke up sore but ok the next day. I was walking a bit easier than a lot of people I saw. Mici and I went to the Duckstein for a great lunch then back for a nap and then on the bikes down the road for dinner. Was perfect!

I had a great day. Mostly because I relaxed and took it all in. 2012 went on sale on Friday and sold out in less than an hour and a half.......yes I'm one of them!

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