Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Anaconda Adventure Race-Augusta 2010

Headed down to Augusta Saturday for Sunday race. Dropped off the Ernie the dog and gave Nigel a call on the way, seemed Nigel was having a relaxed trip having lunch with Lorraine and Declan and their respective families at a winery in Margret River. Mici and I arrived at Registration mid-afternoon, and the crowds weren't too bad. Placed my ski and got a great spot for launching. Went to the bike transition and found a decent rack for my MTB as well. Back to the accommodation and we were pleasantly surprised at the standard of lodgings for the late booking and very fair price. Got my transition gear and food and drinks sorted (no mean feat for these events). Back for briefing, no surprises. During the afternoon bumped into Bill, Wade, Andy and eventually Nigel. Positioned Nigel's car for post race and back to the lodgings for carbs and early night, Nigel was very pleased to see "The Chicken" had made the trip.

Race Day
Beautiful morning, bit of cloud cover and mild temp. Positioned transition gear, and confirmed ski and bike still where I left them. Positioned car and Nigel realised he had left his car keys in the room. Happy if that's all that goes wrong for the day. On the bus out to race start, found Rich and Michaela. Everyone was nervously in good spirits and joking around. Chatted with Andy, Wade, Limey, Kerry at the lighthouse, and saw Jase on the start line. The usual pre-race nerves are heightened by the helicopter flying around at eye level (making it hard to hear pre-start instructions).

Started mid pack, and was surprised at how little congestion there was this year. Took the low road along the rocks and picked up a few places, saw Bill running strong as always. Hit the first dirt road and was chuffed to have Limey and Dave overtake me (nice to be in front of them even for a little bit!) Settled into a good pace, had a bit to eat, managed ok on the soft sand and was happy to come in 2min slower than last year with an extra 1km of rocks in the course making it 1hr 29min 14.4km.

T1 went well this year (remembered to put race bib on OUTSIDE of wetsuit this time). Race haircut meant swim cap went on easy. Into the water saw Matt one of the pro film crew for the event in the water. Said hi (might get on the tele!) Started the swim slow and tried to pick up for the second half, felt pretty good. Run up to the ski was different to last year and much easier on the feet. Really surprised to have knocked off 5min from last years swim 42min 1.9km .

T2 was great too. New strategy of camelback under PFD worked well and made getting bib on easier. Easy launch and spent the paddle up the river eating and drinking. Paddled the river mouth this year and had no excitement through the surf (thank the gods). Seemed to take forever to get to the paddle turnaround. Downwind on the way home, pretty happy to see heaps of boats still coming out heading into my stronger MTB leg. Very pleased to paddle 8min faster than 2009 for 1hr 29min 13km.

T3 good again. Camelbak strategy meant just whip off PFD and good to go. Saw Reece Tucknott waiting for his team in Transition.....thought he's gonna come past......FAST. More food as I hit the climbing. As usual getting passed by plenty of teams (or as I call them CHEATS). Hit the sandy hill and didn't bother trying to ride it. Off the top at 11ish km was thinking that there was a long way to go, but I had forgotten the rest was pretty easy riding, had fun hitting the sandy bits as fast as possible sailing through while others were bogging in and walking their bikes. Rode most of the second 10km with a guy who seemed to know me (No46) we had a good chat about Busso and MTB's. Final 10km I decided to have a go, I pushed on and managed to drop Mr46, had a little bit of energy to do some very small jumps through the BMX track. before I knew it I was at transition. I was looking over my shoulder the whole leg waiting for Nigel and Reece to catch me. Wasn't expecting to do as well as last year on the bike, but blow me down with a Pale Ale if I didn't crack 6min off last years time for 1hr 34min 32km .

T4 had another cracker. Realised a little into the run I had forgotten to take my helmet off, but just left it on.
Got passed by Mr46 and passed a few teams. Felt good and managed to pick up the pace for the last km or so. Hi5'ed a heap of kids in the finish chute, and finished feeling the best I have in a big race for ages. 17min for 2.5km run.

5hr 34min 174th/607 overall and 38th/118 18-39Male was17min faster than last year with an extra 1km rock run. Really really really happy with the result. Princess Mici was there to give me hugs and kisses, Lorraine keeping her company. Nigel crossed 5hrs 56min in a Yo Gabba Gabba suit and having to have a compulsory toilet stop after the run did well and beat me by 1min on the bike (less than I expected). Saw most of the guys at the finish with everyone seeming to have a good race. Even managed to retrieve all my gear from the transitions (thanks to the person that tied my goggles to my wetsuit). Found Rich's Michaela in the bar re-hydrating and decided to hang around and give Rich some support as he finished. After about 7.5hrs Michaela was a bit upset when the timers didn't have Rich off the MTB yet. We left her to go get our gear and came across a very weary Rich running along the final straight. I ran in with him trying to cover my race number, but was called by the commentator finishing the race......again. Nigel is campaigning to have my second time count!

BBQ was a laugh all the IOAR kids having a ball at the expense of the some over zealous neighbours and I made ingesting as much protein (beer has protein) as humanly possible my priority!

Big thanks to Mici, Nigel, Lorraine, Tony & Reece Tucknott, Declan, Gregor and The all IOAR crew and their families for the great support. I feel a bit lost now my Adventure Racing season is over.....Look forward to getting to more events next year......and paddling faster.

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